Our staff is in constant training and updating.

The growing demand of using complex Phased-Array technology, the need to maintain high safety standards, the desire to grow our staff and the company, together with the need to respond to the needs of our customers, require to be able to count on staff at the highest levels of professionalism.

Almost all of our technicians has a second level qualification according to UNI EN ISO 9712 in various NDT methods. Training takes place through internal courses, made by third level company employees, followed by examinations authorized centres.

To give an idea of how ORAT rely on qualified staff, suffice it to say that between 2015 and 2017 the time spent on technical training of our staff has reached the impressive amount of 10000 hours.

At the end of the training period, before facing their own fieldwork, each operator plays a long period of mentoring with an experienced technician, period necessary not only to capture the operational capacity and affinity with equipment but also to acquire the ability to cope with the problems and responsibilities that this entails.